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Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] status of COI costing (was: WG Scope?)

  • To: richardtindal@xxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] status of COI costing (was: WG Scope?)
  • From: ebw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2011 09:09:57 -0400


I've yet to look at the current red line. If the Q50 version is changed
from earlier this year, then staff responded to the tdg-legal discussion.

I've not gotten a response, nor have I seen one on tdg-legal, so I've
assumed that staff has not yet reached responded.

I plan to finally read the red line late this week -- I'm catching up
on course work and I'd not planned to be away in sweaty Singapore for 
ten days.

Isn't this kind of query something that could have been sent to the
semi-responsible stuckee first, and then the consensus question or
challenge or pot stirring of "what basis do others think" note sent
to the entire working group after clarifying that there is a current
question to test for collective understanding?

I'd like to see less speculation -- less how to value thing X from
vendor  Y, is offer Z from party V sought or not sought, what does
anyone think of some thing -- and more issue statement or issue
research and agenda request. 


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