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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] FW: Adobe Connect - Chat Transcript from JAS WG Meeting July 8

  • To: "SOAC-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <SOAC-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] FW: Adobe Connect - Chat Transcript from JAS WG Meeting July 8
  • From: Karla Valente <karla.valente@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2011 07:11:18 -0700

-----Original Message-----
From: Karla.Valente@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:Karla.Valente@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Friday, July 08, 2011 7:07 AM
To: Karla Valente
Subject: Adobe Connect - Chat Transcript from Joint SO/AC WG on New gTLD 
Applicant Support

  Karla Valente:welcome everyone to the JAS WG July 8 Meeting
  Eric Brunner-Williams:dropped twice by the bridge. may not be a unique problem
  Eric Brunner-Williams:significant white noices on call, like air past a 
mobile, and children, which is nice for a change
  Eric Brunner-Williams:francophone children and television
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:btw, discovered there *is* a way to watch an entire 
space,. subpages and all
  Carlton Samuels:great Dev!
  Eric Brunner-Williams:@dev, details please?
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:once logged into confluence, and on the any JAS page, 
go to the "Browse" menu  and select "Advanced"
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:on this "Advanced" page, there is an option under the 
"subscribe" section on the left side of the page called "Start watching this 
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:and that should be it
  Eric Brunner-Williams:i object to the allocation of significant time to a 
subject matter for which the leader is absent, and available upon a short delay
  avri:i object to the allocation of time to discussions about allocation of 
  Eric Brunner-Williams:further, the "plain english" characterization is 
potentially misleading.
  Eric Brunner-Williams:@avri, what is an agenda for and who is responsible for 
it, if not the chairs and the contributors?
  avri:@eric: of course, but it does not need to become a time consuming battle 
field for the rest of us.
  Eric Brunner-Williams:@arvi, when, under working group procedure, in you 
opinion, is agenda a legitimate subject of discussion?
  Dev Anand 
  Alan Greenberg:URL for Elaine's message is 
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Minor correction : "to donate that could be not gamed" 
should be "to donate that could not be not gamed"
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:under "Donors" heading
  Eric Brunner-Williams:agree with alan's point that silence is not really 
  avri:new parts show up in your dashboard
  avri:i would have thought the burden of following the work of the group was 
on the particpant.
  Alan Greenberg:avri, it is, but the easier we make it, the more likely that 
it will be done.
  CLO:Yes  Alan that is an issue => solution however is perhaps to run the  
matter for  say 2 meetings  and declare at a third  with  a hearding to the 
wiki links  as  suggested  after it makes it  to the discussion AT one of  
these meetings  as just happened...
  Carlton Samuels:SubGroup 3: In-Kind Services (Charter Items D+E+F)Some work 
to meet the charter has already been accomplished, and some work still needs to 
be done.  Please review the following, and respond with any updates on work 
accomplished or idea for going forward. Tasks from d), e)1. Propose and 
establish methods for applicants to seek out assistance to be given by Back-End 
Registry provider, top-level domain consultants, translators, technicians, etc.
  Carlton Samuels:2. Coordinating the assistance
  Carlton Samuels:deas: WT:-Define all possible types of assistance that might 
be requested.WT:-Define if a single coordinator would be appointed to this 
task, required skills of coordinator.
  Eric Brunner-Williams:a budget question, is the work on the website charged 
to the seed fund? and +1 on alan's point about many unfocused questions and 
  avri:@CLO, it might be out of ICANN's remit, but it might be in the 
Foundations remit.
  Eric Brunner-Williams:if i understand clo, a call on "the $2m and what the 
choices are" is a good use of time
  Carlton Samuels:@CLO.  Agreed, that is why the very first call after 
Singapore raised this as an agenda item!
  Eric Brunner-Williams:agree that we (jas/board) can't force  existing rsp(s) 
to do good.
  CLO:More than  just that Eric  I just don't see how ICANN can  'make  Or 
further than encourage'  such service provision  and  with this discussion had 
(and assuming there might also be some agreement and possible way forward / 
options from Service providors)  we have to proactivly  have these magters 
discussed and  with all the actors involved as best they can be... IMO
  CLO:I agree Alan  it needs to be done at the *right* level...  
  CLO:Perhaps  JAS  could recommend  this matter be discussed in public  fora 
and meetings  AT Dakar  then  and so the prep  can begoin...
  Eric Brunner-Williams:@alan: re: vgrs and registrar development in latin 
america / africa, yes, there is a program, however, it benefits north 
american/european registrars to develop resellers in the region. so it is a 
tool but not necessarily the correct tool.
  CLO:lets face it  there will be a handfull of likely suspects  for these 
Service providor possabilities  let's  get a dialogue  with them on the matter  
but  in an open and A&T fashion...  JAS  could recommend  that surely
  Alan Greenberg:@clo  +1
  CLO:yes @eric  simme prioir planning  will be essentual  to some extent  this 
 is why AT  Dakar  might work in reeality for some of these  matters
  CLO:I disagree Carlton  such a build  of options discussion  needs   specific 
 wider than JAS  socialization....
  Eric Brunner-Williams:co-chair: if your point is that the gac need not be 
informed because the designated liaison hasn't been on the calls, i think you 
are mistaken.
  CLO:and  YES   +++  to avri
  Carlton Samuels:No Eric thepoint  was that a mechanism wasin  place for an 
immediate conduit to and from the  GAC
  Eric Brunner-Williams:bye all
  avri:@Eric please include me in the call w/ Elaine
  CLO:bye all
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:bye all

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