[ssac-gnso-irdwg] Version 00 of Draft Final Report
Dear IRD members, Attached please find version 00 of the draft final report for the working group. I used the outline that was agreed in the last several calls to draft this report. You will see there are a lot of editor notes in the document. Some of these notes are to remind myself what needs to be done, some of these notes are areas that I need guidance from the WG. As I write the report, there are several important high level issues I want to get guidance on: 1) The interim report has several sections that does not fit the outline of the final report and thus were not included. These includes discussion of what capabilities does directory service need for IRD, how should variants be handled. I need guidance on what to do with these texts. For your information, these are attached in a separate document. 2) The Board resolution has called the WG to study the feasibility and suitability of display specifications for IRD. We have not defined what is a display specification? And at a high level what should the specification include. 3) Whose responsibility is it to define display specifications? Is it IETF? Or Is it ICANN? If it is ICANN, is it this working group? Or some other working group. Kind regards, Steve Attachment:
text_from_interim_report_not_included.doc Attachment:
24 August Draft IRD Report - v00 |