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[ssac-gnso-irdwg] FOR REVIEW: Final Report of the IRD-WG (Draft)

  • To: "ssac-gnso-irdwg@xxxxxxxxx" <ssac-gnso-irdwg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [ssac-gnso-irdwg] FOR REVIEW: Final Report of the IRD-WG (Draft)
  • From: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2012 12:43:33 -0800

Dear IRD-WG members,

Attached in word and PDF is a draft of the Final Report of the 
Internationalized Registration Data Working Group for your review.  Steve Sheng 
and I have tried to capture the changes agreed to based on the comments 
received in the public forum and discussed in subsequent meetings.  The changes 
are included in redline for ease of review.  Please review this draft of the 
Final Report and send and questions, comments, or concerns by **COB Wednesday, 
11 January.**

NOTE: It will be extremely helpful if you could respond to this message even if 
you have no changes to the document to indicate that you have read it and agree 
with it.  Also, if you have any objections to the document please suggest 
revisions that would address your concerns.  This is an important step because 
once the report is finalized we will ask the Chairs to send it to the GNSO and 
SSAC for approval with the assumption that it has the approval of all of the 
IRD-WG members (or if there are objections they are noted in the report).  Of 
course, if this document changes substantially in this review we will send 
another version and we may also schedule a meeting to discuss it if the WG 
desires it.

Thank you very much for your assistance.

Best regards,


Attachment: FINAL Internationalized Registration Data Working Group Report 04 Jan 2012 for WG Review.doc
Description: FINAL Internationalized Registration Data Working Group Report 04 Jan 2012 for WG Review.doc

Attachment: FINAL Internationalized Registration Data Working Group Report 04 Jan 2012 for WG Review.pdf
Description: FINAL Internationalized Registration Data Working Group Report 04 Jan 2012 for WG Review.pdf

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