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Re: [ssac-gnso-irdwg] LAST CALL: DEADLINE Monday 5 March: Final Report

  • To: Jim Galvin <jgalvin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, "ssac-gnso-irdwg@xxxxxxxxx" <ssac-gnso-irdwg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [ssac-gnso-irdwg] LAST CALL: DEADLINE Monday 5 March: Final Report
  • From: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2012 08:22:44 -0800

For reference attached is the final version of the report in Word and PDF
per Jim's message below.


On 3/2/12 10:43 AM, "Jim Galvin" <jgalvin@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Folks,
> It is time to declare what the consensus is for our final report and
> the summary of public comments.  The documents have been prepared
> according to all comments and discussions and we need to submit the
> work products to our chartering organizations: GNSO (registry
> constituency) and the SSAC.
> On behalf of Edmon and myself, as co-chairs, I am going to make a
> declaration of consensus and ask for agreement or statement of
> objection.  Our decision making methodology defined in our charter
> requires that folks explicitly state if they agree (or state their
> objection) and based on those statements the chairs will designate the
> status of the working group as one of the following:
> € Unanimous consensus position
> € Rough consensus position where no more than 1/3 disagrees and at
> least 2/3 agree
> € Strong support (at least a simple majority), but significant
> opposition (more than 1/3)
> € No majority position
> In addition, we are required to include the names and affiliations of
> those in support of each position.  There is an appeal process defined
> in the charter if anyone needs it.
> The current response declarations are noted for the record.
> Avri (okay with changes incorporated)
> Scott (okay with revised version)
> Owen (okay with change incorporated)
> Bob Hutchinson (okay as is)
> Jiankang (okay as is)
> Jim (okay as is)
> Edmon (okay as is)
> The following WG members have yet to respond.
> Erick Iriarte Ahon - ALAC, LACTLD
> Jay Daley --- GNSO Registry Stakeholder Group, .NZ
> Rafik Dammak -- GNSO Non-Commercial Users Stakeholder Group, Tunisia
> Jeremy Hitchcock, GNSO Registrar Stakeholder Group, DYN-DNS
> Sarmad Hussain, SSAC
> Andrei Kolesnikov -- Nominating Committee Appointee, .RU
> Mark Kosters ­ SSAC, ARIN
> Steven Metalitz -- GNSO Intellectual Property Interests Constituency,
> Commercial Stakeholder Group
> Ram Mohan, Board Liaison, SSAC, Afilias
> June Seo, GNSO Registry Stakeholder Group, VeriSign
> The deadline for your declaration will be 1600 UTC on Tuesday, 6 March
> 2012.  That is 4 days or 2 business days from now.
> The declaration of consensus is as follows.
> The Internationalized Registration Working Group accepts the attached
> Final Report and Public Comment documents as its work product.
> Thanks!
> Jim

Attachment: FINAL Internationalized Registration Data Working Group Report 04 Jan 2012 for WG Review.doc
Description: FINAL Internationalized Registration Data Working Group Report 04 Jan 2012 for WG Review.doc

Attachment: FINAL Internationalized Registration Data Working Group Report 04 Jan 2012 for WG Review.pdf
Description: FINAL Internationalized Registration Data Working Group Report 04 Jan 2012 for WG Review.pdf

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