[ssac-gnso-irdwg] Final Report is now complete
Thanks to everyone who indicated their support for the final report. According to the definitions in our charter we can now officially declare that we have Rough Consensus (at least 2/3 agree) with No Objections for our final report. The following individuals have indicated their support for the final report. 1. Scott Austin -- GNSO Intellectual Property Interests Constituency, Commercial Stakeholder Group, Gordon & Rees LLP 2. Edmon Chung -- GNSO Registry Stakeholder Group, .ASIA 3. Rafik Dammak -- GNSO Non-Commercial Users Stakeholder Group, Tunisia 4. Avri Doria -- GNSO Non-Commercial Users Stakeholder Group 5. Jim Galvin -- SSAC, Afilias 6. Bob Hutchinson 7. Andrei Kolesnikov -- Nominating Committee Appointee, .RU 8. Mark Kosters – SSAC, ARIN9. Steven Metalitz -- GNSO Intellectual Property Interests Constituency, Commercial Stakeholder Group 10. Ram Mohan, Board Liaison, SSAC, Afilias (responded off list)11. Owen Smigelski, Sunrider International, Intellectual Property Interests Constituency, Commercial Stakeholder Group The 16 members of the working group are as follows. 1. Erick Iriarte Ahon - ALAC, LACTLD2. Scott Austin -- GNSO Intellectual Property Interests Constituency, Commercial Stakeholder Group, Gordon & Rees LLP 3. Edmon Chung -- GNSO Registry Stakeholder Group, .ASIA 4. Jay Daley --- GNSO Registry Stakeholder Group, .NZ 5. Rafik Dammak -- GNSO Non-Commercial Users Stakeholder Group, Tunisia 6. Avri Doria -- GNSO Non-Commercial Users Stakeholder Group 7. Jim Galvin -- SSAC, Afilias 8. Sarmad Hussain, SSAC 9. Bob Hutchinson 10. Yao Jiankang, GNSO Registry Stakeholder Group, CNNIC 11. Andrei Kolesnikov -- Nominating Committee Appointee, .RU 12. Mark Kosters – SSAC, ARIN13. Steven Metalitz -- GNSO Intellectual Property Interests Constituency, Commercial Stakeholder Group 14. Ram Mohan, Board Liaison, SSAC, Afilias15. Owen Smigelski, Sunrider International, Intellectual Property Interests Constituency, Commercial Stakeholder Group 16. June Seo, GNSO Registry Stakeholder Group, VeriSignJulie Hedlund will use this information to submit the final report to both the GNSO and the SSAC for their review and approval. I will keep you informed of the process as it progresses. Thanks again to everyone! Jim Co-Chair, IRD WG Edmon Co-Chair IRD WG