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Questions from RySG on FY 12 SSR Framework

  • To: "ssr-fy12@xxxxxxxxx" <ssr-fy12@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Questions from RySG on FY 12 SSR Framework
  • From: Patrick Jones <patrick.jones@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 12 May 2011 11:23:19 -0700

Forwarded to comment forum per ok given by David Maher, Chair of the Registries 
Stakeholder Group, to Craig Schwartz, Chief gTLD Registry Liaison.


From: "David W. Maher" <dmaher@xxxxxxx>
Date: May 10, 2011 3:46:04 PM EDT
To: Craig Schwartz <craig.schwartz@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: cher <cherstubbs@xxxxxxx>, "CHUCK GOMES (cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx)" 
Subject: RE: ICANN News Alert -- Public Comment: ICANN FY 12 Security, 
Stability & Resiliency Framework
Part A
•        The 3rd bullet on slide 21 says “ICANN’s role includes participating 
in activities with the broader Internet community to combat abuse of the unique 
identifier systems.  These activities will involve collaboration with 
governments combating malicious activity.”

•         Question: “It would be great to know in more detail how ICANN defines 
collaboration; given their limited operational capability and their consensus 
driven approach, it may be very difficult to get anything effective done. We 
also would like to see a definition of 'malicious' being given since this 
varies by jurisdiction.”

•        The last sentence of the 3rd bullet on slide 22 (“ICANN does not have 
a role in determining what constitutes illicit conduct on the Internet.”)

•        Question: “this seems to contradict the 3rd bullet on slide 21 because 
criminal and malicious are often one and the same and very often, for a 
government to be involved in a matter, a law has to be broken, i.e., criminal 

•        On slide 27, ICANN lists as one of its services its own personal 
Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT).

•         Question: “Is there a charter for the ICANN CIRT and are their 
respectabilities strictly internal?”

Part B
·        The 4th ICANN Strategic Objective listed on slide 9 is to “Coordinate 
Global Risk Management”.

·        Question:  “What efforts fulfill this objective and who is leading is 
leading them? We keep hearing about this but we have yet to see a security 
plan, risk methodology or anything else of substance.”

·        The 3rd item under Community SSR Work on slide 16 is “Collaborative 
response to malicious abuse of the identifier system – Conficker and trusted 
security community.”

·          Question: “Who determines what the 'trusted security community' is?  
Can we get the names of a few of the mailing lists or groups involved in this 
effort?  Some registry people are involved with a few of these groups at the 
moment but none of them have been officially endorsed by ICANN.”


David W. Maher
Senior Vice President - Law & Policy
Public Interest Registry
+1 312 375 4849

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