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Feedback on FY 12 SSR Framework

  • To: ssr-fy12@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Feedback on FY 12 SSR Framework
  • From: Thierry Moreau <thierry.moreau@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 06 Jun 2011 17:02:20 -0400

Dear Sirs:

While I gleaned through the documents (page 13 on part B), I noticed this mention of SysTrust audit to be completed for the DNSSEC key rollover process. This activity should have been completed by now.

In the meantime, the public may assume that the SysTrust audit did not proceed as well as it could have since the completion of the first KSK ceremony. Maybe the very unique nature of the procedures to be audited delay somehow the activity completion, or some specific audit aspects are outstanding or unresolved.

The DNSSEC KSK management processes were established by a process with some transparency and community feedback. Actually an unprecedented level of transparency and community feedback for this type of key management process. Unfortunately, as an expert in the field (systemwide cryptographic key management), I still missed a round of public comment at a critical point in the procedure development process, and I later identified a remaining weakness in the final process. Accordingly, I am eager to see the outcome of the SysTrust audit, which I hope will be released in the spirit of transparency. Maybe the SysTrust audit is due to the larger community in order to put expert opinions like mine in a broader perspective.

Thanks for the opportunity to provide input to the ICANN activity planning.

- Thierry Moreau

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