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FW: INTA Request for Action on Internet Issues
- To: <sti-report-2009@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: FW: INTA Request for Action on Internet Issues
- From: Dr. Szigeti Éva <szigeti@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2010 09:20:49 +0100
Dear Sirs,
According to the requests of INTA External Relations Manager, Mr. Claudio Di
Gangi in his e-mail of 11 January 2010 sent to Dr. Éva Szigeti, we hereby send
you our remarks on the Special Trademark Issues Work Team Recommendations:
Basically we agree with the concepts and the suggestions contained in the
Recommendations, however, we would like to point out our minority report on
some issues.
Regarding point 4.1 of the Trademark Clearinghouse Proposal, we would like to
underline that in our point of view “design marks” shall also be included in
the TC database, if the design mark consists of determining of the word, which
would be protected, if the trademark would be a “text mark”, i.e. if the
dominant element of the design mark is a word. In this event the “design marks”
can also be infringed or abused by a domain name, therefore in our point of
view it is very important to secure adequate protection for these device marks
in this regard.
In connection with point 4.3 (d) of the Trademark Clearinghouse Proposal, we
emphasize that in our point of view not just those domain names can be abusive
or infringing, which are character-by-character identical with the concerned
trademarks. According to our opinion those tail-pieces in domain names, which
refers only to the quality, quantity or any other parameter of goods or
services, or to a geographical region, have no distinctive characteristic
within the course of examining the similarity of a domain name and a trademark.
We know that it is hard to filter out all the possibilities, however it is very
important that this practice of UDRP providers would prevail in the URS
procedure as well. In this regard we agree with the minority report and the
suggestions of the Commercial and Business Users Constituency and At-Large
Advisory Committee.
Respectfully submitted,
Partner, LL. M. Director of Trademark Operation
DANUBIA Patent & Law Office LLC
H-1368 Budapest 5, POB 198
Str. Addr.: 16 Bajcsy-Zs. út, H-1051 Budapest, Hungary
Fax: 36 1 3171025
Phone:(+36 1) 411-8720
e-mail: szigeti@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:szigeti@xxxxxxxxxxx>
<mailto:szigeti@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:szigeti@xxxxxxxxxxx> >
website: www.danubia.com <http://www.danubia.com> <http://www.danubia.com
<http://www.danubia.com> >
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If you receive this e-mail by mistake, please notify the sender immediately on
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Thank you.
From: Claudio Di Gangi [mailto:cdigangi@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 11:24 PM
To: Tm. Kiss Attila Balázs
Subject: INTA Request for Action on Internet Issues
Dear INTA Members,
The following notice is to bring to your attention two Internet domain name
system developments that warrant your consideration and potential action.
1. ICANN is Soliciting Input: Should it Proceed with Pre-Registrations for
New gTLDs?
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is seeking
community views, including input from trademark owners and their
representatives, on whether it should begin accepting "pre-registrations" for
new generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs). Please click here
for the ICANN announcement.
INTA's Internet Committee will submit comments opposing pre-registration, but
it is important that ICANN also hear from trademark owners directly. Your
comment can be as brief as stating whether you do or do not support ICANN
accepting pre-registrations for new gTLDs.
ICANN is accepting input from the community on the proposed pre-registrations
until Wednesday January 27, 2010.
Please submit your input to ICANN by sending an email to
draft-eoi-model@xxxxxxxxx and make sure to follow the email confirmation
process after submitting your comment.
ICANN continues to set no limits on the number of new gTLDs it intends to add
to the Internet's addressing system. Due to complexities in implementing its
unlimited new gTLD program, ICANN recently announced it would no longer
estimate when it would accept applications.
However, at the same time, ICANN is now seeking community input on whether it
should proceed with accepting pre-registrations for new gTLDs, at the rate of
US $55,000 each. According to the draft model's terms, only those entities
that participate in pre-registration will be eligible to apply for a new gTLD
in the first round.
ICANN has publicly committed to resolving what it considers to be the
overarching issues with its unlimited new gTLD program, including trademark
protection, economic demand and impact, root zone scaling, and malicious
conduct, before it would introduce any new gTLDs.
However, INTA continues to believe these overarching issues remain unresolved
and that ICANN has not done the necessary work to demonstrate that the
potential benefits of its unlimited new gTLD program outweigh the risks, harms
and costs to the domain name system and to the public. Therefore, INTA believes
that it is premature for ICANN to accept pre-registrations, and that the
proposed pre-registration process will have harmful ramifications such as
forcing trademark owners to defensively pre-register to protect their
2. ICANN is Soliciting Your Input on: Special Trademark Issues (STI)
ICANN has also recently released the Special Trademark Issues Review Team
for public comment, which includes recommendations for creating a "Trademark
Clearinghouse" and "Uniform Rapid Suspension" procedure to protect trademarks
in ICANN's new gTLD program (please click on the above link for a copy of the
The report contains minority views from several constituencies with suggested
improvements, and ICANN's Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC) submitted a
highlighting several concerns with the STI recommendations.
INTA's Internet Committee is commenting on the STI report, but it is very
important for ICANN to hear from INTA members directly on whether you believe
the recommendations will be effective in protecting your organization's
trademarks in an unlimited expansion of new gTLDs as proposed by ICANN.
Your comments can be submitted on the STI report until Tuesday, January 26,
You can submit your views to ICANN by sending an email to
sti-report-2009@xxxxxxxxx. Please make sure to follow the email confirmation
process after submitting your comment.
Please click here
for the ICANN announcement.
Should you have any questions regarding these issues, please contact INTA
External Relations Manager, Claudio DiGangi, at cdigangi@xxxxxxxx.
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