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Comments from JPNIC Domain Name Policy Study Group

  • To: stld-rfp-jobs@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Comments from JPNIC Domain Name Policy Study Group
  • From: dom-sec@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 21:47:10 +0900 (JST)

Japan Network Information Center, JPNIC, has organized a study group 
called "JPNIC Domain Name Policy Study Group".

Please find the comments as per listed below for which we have gathered
and discussed for your reference.

- I don't think ".jobs" adds any new values in recruiting and job-
  hunting activities because the expected role of "companyname.jobs" 
  is completely fulfilled by the URLs like "companyname.com/jobs".

  The creation of ".jobs" may have a risk that it ends up just a burden
  for many companies registering more domain names for defensive purposes.
  In evaluating the appropriateness of creating ".jobs", a certain degree
  of market research is needed to assess those risks.

- It is also required to evaluate whether ".jobs" is able to provide
  the name space at the global level, which includes the application of
  IDNs in ".jobs".

- In view of the circumstances that ICANN is going to introduce some 
  more TLDs before it has not finished the new gTLD evaluation process, 
  ICANN should use rather strict criteria in the selection of proposed
  sTLDs. In this respect, ".jobs" is not appropriate as sTLD because
  it is actually "unsponsored gTLD" in its functions.

- ".jobs" does not meet the criteria of "Appropriateness of Sponsored
  TLD Community", because it is aimed for the commercial activity
  (recruiting employees for companies) in general, and not for
  adding new values to any defined community.

Members of JPNIC Domain Name Policy Study Group

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