Comments by FRANCE on the Proposal of a "DNS-CERT"
Please find below (and attached) Comments by the French Government on the Proposal of a DNS-CERT. Comments by France on the Proposal of a “DNS-CERT”** To : Mr Peter Dengate-Thrush Mr Rod Beckstrom Chair - ICANN Board CEO & President France is grateful for the opportunity to express its views on the *Proposed Strategic Initiatives for Improved DNS Security, Stability and Resiliency (SSR)* and *DNS CERT business case* posted for public comment on February 12, 2010. France considers the security and resilience of the DNS as a very significant issue and thanks ICANN for initiating a public debate on this crucial topic. We would like however to provide the following comments: 1. ICANN proposes a specific concrete solution (a DNS CERT) before sufficient opportunities for discussion in the community have been provided on the best way forward regarding this critical issue. As a result, a preliminary consensus has not been built yet on the definition of the problem itself, its various dimensions and the actors involved. DNS security improvement is of interest for all stakeholders and should be discussed in a cross-community manner. France therefore welcomes the joint initiative of ALAC, GNSO and ccNSO to request the establishment of a cross-community SO/AC group. A dedicated cross-community workshop on this topic should also be organized during the upcoming public meeting of ICANN in Brussels. 2. With respect to the *DNS CERT business case* document, and without prejudice of further comments in due course, France wants to stress at this preliminary stage the need to : - Avoid confusion between global and local security issues regarding the DNS infrastructure; - Distinguish more clearly between preparedness and reaction measures ; - Identify the gap between what already exists and what is needed ; - Take into account and engage in the discussions all actors involved in the DNS security chain such as ISPs, technical organizations, etc. 3. Finally, France believes that the discussion should not be limited to the ICANN community and should take advantage of the opportunities for dialogue offered inter alia by the Internet Governance Forum. We would therefore welcome the organization of a dedicated workshop involving all relevant actors during the next IGF meeting in Vilnius as a valuable initiative. Bertrand de LA CHAPELLE Special Envoy for the Information Society French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs -- ____________________ Bertrand de La Chapelle Délégué Spécial pour la Société de l'Information / Special Envoy for the Information Society Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et Européennes/ French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs Tel : +33 (0)6 11 88 33 32 Attachment:
Comments by France on DNS-CERT Proposal.doc |