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  • To: tmch-docs-sep12@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: ICANN TMCH Posting
  • From: Tim Switzer <timswitzer@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 10:24:07 -0700

I would like to briefly comment relating to the details that have been posted 
by ICANN on the implementation of the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH).  

I would encourage ICANN to continue to listen to input from all key affected 
parties as part of the ICANN multi-stakeholder model and a consensus-building 

The Registries and Registrars have in-depth experience with the processes and 
procedures around launching and executing Sunrise and IP Claims and as the 
parties most critical for making this a success (along with others in the ICANN 
community), their input should be valued by ICANN and incorporated into any 
potential operating model.  

An alternative implementation model to what ICANN has proposed has been 
submitted that represents the consensus of the Registries and Registrars.  This 
alternative model, proposed by a working team of ARI, Neustar, VeriSign and 
DemandMedia, is included below as a link.  


As a new gTLD applicant for .GREEN, we support this alternative model and ask 
that ICANN continue to interface collaboratively with the Registries / 
Registrars and the rest of the ICANN community on using this implementation 
model as they work with their external TMCH providers.  

Thank you for the opportunity to provide this comment.  

Tim Switzer
Chief Operating Officer / CFO
DotGreen Community Inc.     

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