In response to comment tallying on the received comments
A review of the comments filed on the Strawman solution clearly shows that this proposal has support only in the IPC and BC. While they have been very successful in getting their constituencies to file individual but near-identical comments, the remainder of the comments has clearly shown that the vast majority of the remaining ICANN stakeholder groups and constituencies is united against these proposals and the way they were conceived. The currently available protections envisaged in the Applicant Guidebook have been agreed upon as sufficient and appropriate upon by the ICANN community including the IPC and the BC. In fact, many of the proposals included in the strawman have been raised in previous consultations and have been rejected by the community. These proposals constitute a second bite of of the apple for the sole benefit of a very vocal and very well organized interest group. The implementation of these new last-minute policy proposals would ultimately be to the detriment of registries, registrars and potential registrants as the numerous comments in opposition to this proposal point out. -- Best regards, Volker Greimann |