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[transfers-wg] Transfers working group

  • To: transfers-wg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [transfers-wg] Transfers working group
  • From: "GNSO.SECRETARIAT@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2005 17:04:39 +0200

The transfers-wg[at]gnso.icann.org mailing list is open.

The archives are at:

As reported in the minutes of the Council meeting on 12 May 2005.

The Council decided to form a working group with a representative group of volunteers from the GNSO to review the staff Transfers report in order to seek clarification, further information and provide guidance for the 6 month review and to report back to the Council.

The people who have volunteered to date are:
Margie Milam, MarkMonitor
Grant Forsyth, CBUC rep. GNSO Council
Tim Ruiz, Godaddy
Ross Rader Registrar constituency rep. GNSO Council

ICANN staff
Olof Nordling
Tina Dam
Maria Farrell
Tim Cole

Ross Rader has volunteered to act as chair of this working group.
Bruce Tonkin GNSO Council chair has been added to the mailing list.

Please let me know if I have missed someone.
Thank you,

See below for a description of the working group task.

I Background

Recommendation 28 of the Consensus Policy on Transfers:
(http://www.icann.org/gnso/transfers-tf/report-12feb03.htm ) states:
(I have replaced references to the DNSO and Names Council with the new

"That the implementation and execution of these recommendations be
monitored by the GNSO. Specifically that;

a. ICANN Staff analyse and report to the GNSO Council at three, six and
twelve month intervals after implementation with the goal of

i. How effectively and to what extent the policies have been implemented
and adopted by Registrars, Registries and Registrants,

ii. Whether or not modifications to these policies should be considered
by the GNSO as a result of the experiences gained during the
implementation and monitoring stages,

iii. The effectiveness of the dispute resolution processes and a summary
of the filings that have been resolved through the process.

b. Pursuant to which, the GNSO Council may instruct the staff to;

i. Continue bi-annual reviews in a manner consistent with the
aforementioned requirements, or;

ii. Report again to the GNSO Council in an additional twelve month time

c. The purpose of these monitoring and reporting requirements are to
allow the Names Council to determine when, if ever, these
recommendations and any ensuing policy require additional clarification
or attention based on the results of the reports prepared by ICANN

The ICANN staff have produced a 3 month report dated 14 April 2005,
available at:

The report is based on public comments received, statistics from
registry operator reports, and questions and complaints received by
ICANN staff.

Note also that the ICANN Security and Stability Advisory Committee is
preparing a report on domain name hijacking, and one of its possible
recommendations which was discussed in the ICANN meeting in Mar Del
Plata was making it mandatory for a losing registrar to send a
notification to the Registrant  (this is presently optional for the
losing registrar).   Note that it is still the gaining registrars
responsibility to authenticate the registrant, and receive

II Working Group task ======================

The task of the working group is to:

(1) review the content of the report of 14 April 2005 with respect to:

i. How effectively and to what extent the policies have been implemented
and adopted by Registrars, Registries and Registrants,

ii. Whether or not modifications to these policies should be considered
by the GNSO as a result of the experiences gained during the
implementation and monitoring stages,

iii. The effectiveness of the dispute resolution processes and a summary
of the filings that have been resolved through the process.

(2) Identify the work items for the 6 month review.  In particular
determine what additional information and analysis is required to assist
the GNSO in determining whether any refinements are required for the
policy.  Note this analysis may include a similar process to that used
in the recent analysis of the practices of registrars with respect to
requirements of registrars to provide information on the purpose for
data collection and information on the recipients of the data.  In this
analysis an ICANN staff member documented the business processes used by
the top 10 registrars, and a 10 other registrars chosen randomly.
This analysis could complement the anecdotal evidence provided from
public comments and queries received by ICANN staff.

III Deliverable

The working group should produce a report to the GNSO Council with
recommendations to the GNSO Council for work to be done by ICANN staff
in the 6 month review.
Glen de Saint Géry
GNSO Secretariat - ICANN

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