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[transfers-wg] 6/13 Agenda

  • To: transfers-wg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [transfers-wg] 6/13 Agenda
  • From: Ross Rader <ross@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2007 14:47:26 -0400

Hello all -

I apologise for the extremely late arrival of this agenda. I don't think
I could have distributed it any closer to the actual meeting than if I
had tried :-)

These are the items that I would like to cover today and includes the
open issues that I am aware of from the last meeting. My personal thanks
to Tim for stepping in and filling in for me last week.

If there are other issues, we can add them to the agenda as required.

Talk to you shortly;

Transfers Policy Effectiveness Review Working Group
06/13 Agenda

1. Last call for comments on issues 30-38.
2. Last call for comments on Draft-Transfer-Advisor and
3. Review of registry and other constituency feedback.
4. Discussion of suggestions for incorporating EPP experiences in Final
5. AOB


Ross Rader
Director, Retail Services
Tucows Inc.

t. 416.538.5492

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