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Locking of a Domain Name Under UDRP Proceeding Comments submitted by the InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG)

  • To: <udrp-locking@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Locking of a Domain Name Under UDRP Proceeding Comments submitted by the InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG)
  • From: <andrea.whetzel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2012 20:00:25 +0000

Attached please find the comments submitted by Carolyn Gorwitz Dinberg, Vice 
President & Associate General Counsel & Chief Intellectual Property Counsel of 
the InterContinental Hotels Group regarding Locking of a Domain Name Under UDRP 


Andrea Whetzel
Legislative Administrative Assistant for Tom Donnelly, Tom Netting & Jeanne 
Akerman Senterfitt LLP | 750 9th Street, N.W. | Suite 750 | Washington, DC 20001
Dir: 202.824.1730 | Main: 202.393.6222 | Cell: 301.807.8647 | Fax: 202.393.5959


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Attachment: Locking of Domain Name subject to UDRP Proceedings Final.PDF
Description: Locking of Domain Name subject to UDRP Proceedings Final.PDF

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