Need Help
Dear Sirs, I am opposed to the establishment of the triple X domain. You should be working to get pornography off the Internet, not putting more on it! Correct me if I am wrong but is it not illegal to have pornography on the Internet you people just don't enforce it. Now you looking at endorsing it? What's next? Can I open a child pornography site? Maybe have pictures of YOUR children online for perverts to look at? Please if you have any decency please do not do this and start enforcing the CURRENT laws and shut down porn sites all together. They are destroying my country, my town, my neighborhood, and my community. If you think I'm exaggerating please come to my neighborhood and I'll introduce you to the kids I work with. Introduce you to countless children who are raped because people are a sex-crazed environment created by people like you. So next time one of my kids ask why things like this happened I'd give them your email and let them ask! you. Porn sites are worse then drug and more destructive because these people don't just hurt themselves likes drugs but hurt other people and unfortunately usually get away with it. Sincerely, jarid johnston jarid@xxxxxxxxxx |