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Placing Porno on its own site is not the answer

  • To: twomey@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Placing Porno on its own site is not the answer
  • From: "Wendy McGowan" <breezeemc@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 15:09:48 -0500

Dear Sirs,

I am opposed to the establishment of the triple X domain. You should be working to get pornography off the Internet, not putting more on it! Our kids should have the pleasure of enjoying their youth but a world full of smut confronts them everywhere they look ie. TV commericals, billborards ect... Pleae be part of the soulution and don't try to put a bandaid on a gaping hole of immorality!!


Wendy McGowan

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