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Less Pornography, not more

  • To: twomey@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Less Pornography, not more
  • From: "Cheryl Belcher" <ccb711@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 15:20:48 -0500

Dear Sirs,

I am opposed to the establishment of the triple X domain. You should be working to get pornography off the Internet, not putting more on it!

Please do not allow the porn industry to have their own domain. Porn is ruining too many lives and causing too many sexual assaults and child molestations as it is, much less giving them their own domain where it will be rampant and they can still use the regular internet for their pictures, too.

We need regulations to prevent porn instead of some that promote it.


Cheryl Belcher

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