Filth on the Internet
Dear Sirs, I am opposed to the establishment of the triple X domain. You should be working to get pornography off the Internet, not putting more on it! As it is now, pornograpic pop-ups appear with the use of even the most unsuspecting search engines and are very hard to get out of, leaving unsupervised children to view everything imaginable without ever having to spend a penny for Internet porn. It's only natural for children to be inquisitive, but I feel that this very subject is the reason for the rise in youth runaways and abducted children in today's society. What the Internet fails to tell these naive, unsuspecting soles up front is that pornography is a form of slavery. Just ask all the men out there who have lost their jobs, homes, families, and even their sanity and freedom because of pornographic materials and Web sites. Now is the time for techincal folks to stand up and do what is right for humankind as a whole. Pornography only brin! gs ruin to both adults and children. I couldn't live with myself knowing that I inadvertently aided and abetted someone whose intent was to abduct, rape, or murder. Sincerely, Brenda Frazier jfrazier_37138@xxxxxxxxx |