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dot xxx domain
- To: <xxx-icm-agreement@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: dot xxx domain
- From: "ASLAN" <rosebud1234@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2007 12:57:39 -0600
“’Lawley also assures us that a dot-XXX domain "allows the responsible
members of the adult-entertainment community to identify themselves as
such and …go about their business without fear of persecution.’”
Who on planet earth wants the “adult entertainment community to go about
their business as usual????” These perverts, whoremongers, and
sodomites need to reap what they so in decent society. They do
absolutely nothing to enhance the integrity and character of our nation
or our families. They traffic in human lusts at its lowest form,
degrade women, and try with all their might to enslave our children both
physically and morally.
Enforce Federal Obscenity Laws.
Anne Wells
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