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A 19 yr olds look at XXX Domain~Anna Fort

  • To: xxx-icm-agreement@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: A 19 yr olds look at XXX Domain~Anna Fort
  • From: Beth Fort <miladyinred7@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2007 14:11:32 -0800 (PST)

Dear Dr. Twomey, Mr. Sampson & Mr. Gallagher and all who will read this,
  I have taken the time to go to the ICANN web site and read all related 
articles and comments contained therein concerning the proposed triple X 
domain.  Having done so I will now put in my comment. I believe this subject to 
be very important and such a decision should not be made without careful 
deliberation over the matter. 
  First of all, the very thought of such a set up is repulsive to me. I read 
over and over that this would help ?protect our children? but I never read 
exactly how it would do so.
  To my understanding there is no plan to force all such sites to relocate to 
the proposed domain. Therefore I must conclude that it isn?t about ?protecting 
the children? since they don?t have to move their sites if they don?t want too, 
therefore the site is still there for children to stumble onto, plus they can 
create a new additional site in the new ?domain? where YOUR young teens, 
husbands, wives, parents, or siblings will know exactly where to go to get in 
trouble. You will be creating a place that will ruin the lives of many and 
maybe even your own.
  I have yet to be convinced that this is a plan worthy of being put into 
action. This will only send a message to our children that such filth is lawful 
if done in a certain place and at a certain age. Do you want your daughter or 
her friends growing up thinking like that? Furthermore it will not discourage 
but rather encourage child pornography. Anyone who is sick enough to go to a 
site like that will eventually stoop to child pornography. 
  Therefore having carefully considered what I have read I conclude that I am 
strongly opposed to the establishment of the triple X domain seeing no benefit 
to such an establishment. We need to be concentrating our efforts on getting 
pornography off the Internet, not putting more on it by creating a ?special 
place? for the filth! To establish a domain such as is suggested will only do 
to encourage such sick and unlawful acts.
  Get busy fixing the problem not creating outlets for the symptoms.
~Anna Fort
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