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XXX common sense
- To: <xxx-icm-agreement@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: XXX common sense
- From: "Robert Smith" <robert.smith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2007 07:57:39 -0000
I have read most of the threads and it seems that the vast majority of
objections are coming from Christian groups who are unhappy with Porn
being in existence on the web. The web is a mirror of society and porn
will never be eradicated, unless of course we prepared to live in an
oppressed society. XXX is merely looking to address the issue of Porn
and giving it a certificate for the web, think of it as an R rating for
films. It can only be good as it keeps porn in its own area and allows
the large search engines to shield this from young innocent eyes.
Robert Smith
Business Development Manager
Blueberry Consultants Ltd
+44 (0)121 285 0100
+44 (0)121 772 3103
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