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  • To: xxx-icm-agreement@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: opinion
  • From: Cathleen Olney <cathleenolney@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2007 07:22:30 -0800 (PST)

Please, please, PLEASE create a "red light district" on the internet by 
requiring pornographic/erotic websites to use the .xxx domain.  I've been 
thinking it for years, but felt powerless to change our current system.
    The greatest benefit that I can see is that many people (especially 
children) stumble into porn sites accidentally.  I haven't been there, but I've 
been told that many children doing reports on our nation's capitol went to 
www.whitehouse.com instead of www.whitehouse.gov. and landed in a porn site.  
If I go to the toy store, they don't slip a Penthouse magazine in the bag with 
my purchase.  If I go to a store marked "Fabric", I don't walk in and find 
naked people hanging from the ceilings in chains.  Yet on the internet, one 
misstroke on the keyboard could land me in (what I consider to be) a really 
disgusting place.  
    Porn providers frequently state that they are providing "art", and that we 
are free to look or pass it by.  They claim 5th ammendment rights.  If this is 
true, if they aren't ashamed of their product, they should be proud to claim 
the .xxx domain.  It is simply a category of "art".  It would help those that 
are looking for pornography to find a site quickly.
    We consumers should be free to go to porn sites if we choose, but not 
stumble on it accidentally.  It's very hard to stumble into the IRS website, 
right?  Let's create an internet "red light district" that is clearly marked 
for all.
  Thank you,
  Cathleen Olney

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