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.xxx - lets make it easier for kids to access adult websites.

  • To: xxx-tld-agreement@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: .xxx - lets make it easier for kids to access adult websites.
  • From: biggy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 05 May 2006 21:12:24 -0400

Creating a .xxx will make it easy for anyone to identify an adult website.  Any 
child who types in "whatever" .xxx will for the most part instantly be taken to 
an adult website.  The equivalent of creating this domain extension would be 
like Barnes & Noble creating a separate adult section, and putting it in a 
place where anyone can access it.  It makes no sense whatsoever except to the 
businessmen (the ICM Registry) who are pushing for it.

You guys (ICANN) are being swayed by a bunch of businessmen who are trying to 
profit, and who could simply care less about making a difference.  How many 
millions of dollars have they invested in this little profect to create a .XXX? 
 You think they care more about 1. protecting children from adult websites or 
2. making back the money they invested.   Even if you reject it this time 
around, they will keep making proposals and changes to do whatever it is 
possible to push this through so they recap their costs and try to turn profit. 
 You need to kill this thing once and for all.  People at ICANN - think about 
it.  If you want to make adult material easily identifiable and accessible, 
then approve this.  

I am against .XXX, and you should be against it too. 


Brian Schneider

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