[alac] Process for At Large Structure applications (2)
This is the revised version of the ALS accreditation process, incorporating the comments received until today. Are there any more comments or proposals? I would like to get a final agreement on this by Friday or Monday at latest, so that we can try to get the pending applications examined and voted by Carthage, if possible.
2. [Staff] Notifies reception to ALAC (and RALO once it exists) Verifies whether application is formally complete: if not, asks the applicant to correct it => (1) if yes, confirms to the applicant that it is accepted, publicly announces reception of the application and publishes it on the website for public comment 3. (<= 2 weeks) [Reviewers(*)]: Review application, contacting applicant to ask for more information if necessary, trying to get third party confirmations if doubts arise, etc.; may send updates or ask directions to the Committee if felt necessary [Committee] May send to the reviewers suggestions or questions to be asked to the applicant (*) The review group will be formed by one person from ICANN staff plus the ALAC members from the same Region of the applicant, except those ones who are affiliated with the applicant or have other conflicts of interest. 4. [Reviewers] Send review, summary of public comments and recommendation to ALAC on the public list (except for any parts of the review that, according to the reviewers, may require confidentiality) 5. [ALAC Chair] Unless objections arise, calls a vote on the application 6. (<= 5 working days) [Committee members] Cast a vote by private e-mail to Chair + staff 7. [ALAC Chair] As soon as the result of the vote is final, calls the result on the public list [Staff] Notifies applicant, notifies RALO, updates databases and mailing lists, etc. -- .oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo vb. Vittorio Bertola - vb [a] bertola.eu.org http://bertola.eu.org/ <-- Vecchio sito, nuovo toblog!