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Re: [alac] Revised draft statemetn for TFs 1 & 2

  • To: Thomas Roessler <roessler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [alac] Revised draft statemetn for TFs 1 & 2
  • From: Wendy Seltzer <wendy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2004 20:16:20 -0800

It's unfortunate that the order of the questions leads us to structure this document with "access" first, and "data collection" second, because I think the only successful solution to preserving privacy in WHOIS is to minimize the data collected in the first place. To me, tiered access is a weak band-aid that may resolve some problems, but creates others, primarily inequities among different legitimate data users.


At 01:10 AM 03/26/2004 +0100, Thomas Roessler wrote:
Some minor clarifications.  I'll submit this document for the PDP
tomorrow, unless there are objections.

Thomas Roessler  <roessler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
At-Large Advisory Committee: http://alac.info/

-- Wendy Seltzer -- wendy@xxxxxxxxxxx Staff Attorney, Electronic Frontier Foundation Fellow, Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/seltzer.html Chilling Effects: http://www.chillingeffects.org/

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