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On behalf of eNIC Corporation (.cc) and The DotTV Corporation (.tv), I submit the following comments to the ccNSO Assistance Group's Preliminary Recommendation on the Policy-Development Process. Initially, we extend our thanks for the hard work of the Assistance Group and its insight in framing and addressing the issues involved in a methodical, foundation-up approach. The key element in the AG's work had been its identifying and defining the functions and scope the ccNSO's role, as well as the role of ICANN overall, in ccTLD matters. Our view of those functions are consistent with those published by the ccNSO AG in Shanghai, which correctly limit and restrict the issues that may even arise for policymaking consideration within the ccNSO and, hence, ICANN. One of the primary challenges will be to maintain the vigilance and discipline necessary to thwart "mission creep" as the ccNSO and ICANN move forward. Such mission creep would have the negative effect of unwinding the positive work done by the AG and once again plunging ICANN and the ccNSO into a state of dysfunction. At the outset, we acknowledge the comments submitted by Mr. Stephan Welzel of Denic and lend our support to his insightful observations. It is our hope that those points will be carefully considered and appropriate adjustments to the Recommendations made. We strongly support the principle that, once the PDP is defined, no single party or group (whether it be the ICANN Board or the Council) should be allowed to unilaterally impose any modifications to it. Rather, any proposed modifications must themselves be subject to ccNSO processes and the PDP in existence at the time of the proposed modification. Such a requirement should be clearly stated in the ccNSO AG Recommendation. Our additional comments herein are made in the context of ICANN's adoption of the functions and role of the ccNSO as laid out by the ccNSO AG in Shanghai. Any deviation from or enlargement of those functions, whether through formal action by ICANN as an institution or through construction and interpretation by the General Counsel's Office as a result of the PDP process, may result in different conclusions or recommendations. Particularly disconcerting is Section 2, wherein the PDP gives significant powers and discretion to both the Issue Manager and the Office of the General Counsel to shape the ccNSO agenda and the Council's perception of the scope of policies which are subject to the PDP. While the screening of Issues may initially appear desirable, such an approach could easily lead to selective decisionmaking by the Council, with decisions being made primarily on Issues that the "gatekeepers" choose to be considered. Among other things, this structure presents inherent and significant risks for mission creep and tunnel vision by Council members. An appropriate alternative would be for the Issue Manager to act only in an administrative and coordinating capacity, producing agendas and distributing original documentation originating a request for PDP from one groups designated in Section 1, rather than summarizing or framing the issues and arguments through the creation of an Issue Report before passing the request to the Council. Additionally, rather than requiring that all requests for PDP first pass through the Office of the General Counsel for analysis as currently anticipated, the Council should receive requests directly, determine if a request fits within the constraints of ccNSO policymaking and take appropriate action. This action could include requesting guidance from the Office of the General Counsel using the criteria set forth in Section 2. The foregoing would allow the Council, as the responsible body, unfettered access and unfiltered information to take the appropriate course of action on all Issues flowing from the procedures described in Section 1. We are also concerned that the Recommendation does not clearly state what consequences, if any, flow from the failure to meet the rather aggressive timeframes for action imposed by the PDP. For example, in Section 3, what happens if the Council does not meet for a vote within the 15 days after receiving an Issue Report? Does the Issue 1) simply fail because of lack of compliance with the deadline, 2) continue to be considered through an unstated automatic extension to the voting timeframe, or 3) fall into some other unspecified category for future consideration? Similarly, what happens if a Task Force report is not submitted within the designated timeframe or the Task Force charter is not published in the 10 calendar days required by Section 7(b). We suggest that the appropriate consequence would be the failure of the Issue request, thereby requiring that the Issue request be reintroduced (i.e, start the process from the beginning) to be considered once again unless a supermajority on the Council (defined as 66 2/3% of the entire Council membership) vote to continue the consideration of the Issue through extending the designated timeframe for a short period. What ever the consequence, it should be clearly stated in the PDP. Once again, .cc and .tv continues to support the AG's efforts to develop and define a framework for the ccNSO that serves the needs of the ccTLD community in the context of its institutional involvement within ICANN. We are confident that this process will result in a satisfactory conclusion that should be embraced by the ERC and the ICANN Board. Bart P. Mackay Designated Representative of .cc and .tv [Date Prev] [Date Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Date Index] [Thread Index] |