>Well, I thought that the Internet Community had ownership of the >namespace not
individuals/companies/government etc., The cost for a >domain name is the administration
cost for the use of that name. The >creation of additional strings to expand the
Main Internet Space and >thus create growth for the NET. Wrong - not everyone
accepts that premise. When a business spends years developing a business product
and then some organization that is not answerable to anyone purports to have the
authority to take that product away without compensation - that is theft and is illegal
in the United States.
>I haven't heard of any of the other Alternative Root
Servers being >agreed upon by any other governments or recognized international >bodies
other than themselves.
Why should they need the permission of other government
bodies to operate? A person has a right to operate a business without having to get
permission from some organization that is not empowered by law to have authority.
The internet is supposed to be free and open, not controlled by an organization that
is a front for NSI/Verisign and
their money making ambition.
>ORSC website
is non-functional, IRSC again non-funtional, Until the >Alternative Root Servers
can show to the Internet Community a Stable >alternative they will not provide the
platform for the greater >internet.
I don't know what you're talking about. ORSC
website is running just fine as are all 13 of its root servers. ASLAN has 0 downtime
for the last 16.8 months. You should check your facts before you speak or you will
look silly.
>Regarding me, I was part of one of the unsuccessful Applications
for >the new TLDs and will continue to build our Tld under a ccTLD until >we can
build it into a Top-Level Domain. The Right of Administration >is only their when
you show stability, reliability, and managability.
Thats your choice - we are just
asking ICANN and the USG to respect OUR choices as well. We have a RIGHT to operate
our businesses without threat of having our business products stolen from us without
just compensation. Thats THE LAW, at least in the United States.
>If you want
your Alternative Root Servers to be accessible for the >masses, then discuss with
Microsoft and Netscape a change in the >browser to access your nameservers and the
ICANN nameservers. Then >it provides additional namespace expansion without
hostile action >between Root Systems.
This is an ongoing process that is still
in progress. In the last year, ORSC has gone from under 1% to between 8% and 9%.
Thats progress, and its still building.
John Palmer