GNR proposes some restrictions for its .NAME resgistration policy.
However, there's
a conflict with possible use of a ccTLD country code at the second level, because
2-letters names are accepted as possible elements on the 3rd or 2nd level.Think
of CHONG.LI.NAME for a person named Chong Li. We cannot promote changing the orthographe
of the name for that person. But using "LI" conflicts with the ISO 2-letters country
code of L
There are other similar possible names, some of them quite common and
found in many Asiatic last names, or English/tranliterated Asiatic/Arabic first names,
but all sharing the same characteristic:
(2 vowels):
Aa,Ae,Ai,Ao,Au,Ay, Ea,Ee,Ei,Eo,Eu,Ey,
Oa,Oe,Oi,Oo,Ou,Oy, Ua,Ue,Ui,Uo,Uu,Uy, Ya,Ye,Yi,Yo,Yu,Yy,
1 vowel, and 1 consonnant)
- Ab,Ac,Ad,Af,Ag,Ah,Aj,Ak,Al,Am,An,Ar,As,At,Av,Aw,Ax,Az
- Ib,Ic,Id,If,Ig,Ih,Ij,Ik,Il,Im,In,Ir,Is,It,Iv,Iw,Ix,Iz
- Ub,Uc,Ud,Uf,Ug,Uh,Uj,Uk,Ul,Um,Un,Ur,Us,Ut,Uv,Uw,Ux,Uz
(or 1 consonnant and 1 vowel):
Ca,Ce,Ci,Co,Cu,Cy, Da,De,Di,Do,Du,Dy,
Fa,Fe,Fi,Fo,Fu,Fy, Ga,Ge,Gi,Go,Gu,Gy, Ha,He,Hi,Ho,Hu,Hy,
Ka,Ke,Ki,Ko,Ku,Ky, La,Le,Li,Lo,Lu,Ly,
Ma,Me,Mi,Mo,Mu,My, Na,Ne,Ni,No,Nu,Ny, Pa,Pe,Pi,Po,Pu,Py,
Ra,Re,Ri,Ro,Ru,Ry, Sa,Se,Si,So,Su,Sy,
Ta,Te,Ti,To,Tu,Ty, Va,Ve,Vi,Vo,Vu,Vy, Wa,We,Wi,Wo,Wu,Wy,
I don't know if there are cases of 2 consonnants admitted as
names, unless we use common abbreviations for compound first names (such as JC for
One way to solve that problem would be to allow another form
of registration using an hyphen as separator: CHONG-LI.NAME could then be accepted
instead of CHONG.LI.NAME.
The registrant would have no choice of the separator
to use between both elements of their registered name.
This means that names could
be registered on the 2nd level directly, provided that :
- the real first name
and the real last name of the person is not compound: Chang Wu Li could instead register
the 3-levels name CHANG.WULI.NAME or the 3-levels name CHANG.WU-LI.NAME without any
collision with a country code, but he could not register CHANG-WU.NAME (nor WU-LI.NAME
alone with the next rule, nor CHANG-WU.LI.NAME which collides with a country code
on the second level).
- either the real first name or the real last name is two
characters long (excluding an abbreviation of the first name for example): "Ed Carter"
could register ED-CARTER.NAME, but not ED.CARTER.NAME because it collides a country
code (but only if he does not register as being really Eddy Carter).
- there's
only 1 hyphen in that level 2, to separate two name parts (else, the real person
name would have 3 parts or more, of which one could be grouped on another level as
in: CHANG-WU-LI.NAME refused on level 2, but CHANG.WUE-LI.NAME acceptable on level
- the second level has at 2 characters on both sides of the hyphen (it may
be the first name or the last name): CHANG-L.NAME and L-CHANG will not be accepted
(L is too short), but not LI-CHANG.NAME or CHANG-LI.NAME can be acceptable for registration
at level 2 (LI fits that rule).
- one part beside the hyphen has exactly 2 characters:
"Bob Kennedy" would like to register BOB-KENNEDY.NAME, but it won't be accepted because
no part has 2 characters. He must register BOB.KENNEDY.NAME or KENNEDY.BOB.NAME at
level 3. But "Li chang" can register LI-CHANG.NAME or CHANG-LI.NAME on level 2, but
cannot register LI.CHANG.NAME or CHANG.LI.NAME on level 3 (collision with a country
- at least one part beside the hyphen is 3 characters or more: WU-LI.NAME
cannot be registered, be CWU-LI.NAME can.
This second level name has then at least
6 characters including the hyphen in the format:
Replacing the dot with an hyphen
can then be automated within a registry application form, where one can enter separately
a required first name and a required last name, without alarming the user about the
correct separator to use.