Bedelman brings up an, apparently, good point.
my complaints are about NSI's registry, not the registrar.However, ICANN's proposed
contract also proposes, that since there have been no complaints about the NSI registry,
there is no longer a need for separation between the two.
That is one of the main
reasons for my concern.
NSI had the opportunity to OWN this market. They could
have had the loyalty of all concerned. Instead, they spurned customer service and
generated a serious amount of hostility in the entire community.
I am certainly
not interested in leaving such a company in control of our collective destinies.
Not being a registrar, I don't know too much about the complaints compteting registrars
have had about NSI. But seeing how ICANN brushed aside the complaints my readers
brought about the registry, I do wonder what complaints they got, that ICANN thought
were inconsequential and also brushed aside.
With the Internet, we have a medium
that lends itself to some of the most magnificent ways to communicate, help each
other, and build bridges among all cultures across the globe. It's the perfect medium
in which to build easy, functional customer service models - especially when you
have millions of dollars to do it with.
NSI didn't. They've gotten away, without
any repercussions, with harming a great many small business-people. They've kept
millions of dollars in unearned billings - and ICANN wants to reward them?
may not have had 'the authority' to take action about the areas we brought up - but
they do have the power to award this contract - or not. I would like to see ICANN
have the courage not to give this contract to NSI/Verisign.