The more extensions that are approved, the more requests I will get to "reserve my
name, before someone else gets it". I get this from .CC and .TV on a regular
basis. Now I can look forward to .BIZ and .SHOP and .MUSEUM sending me email
to register their extensions.This is not going to increase the number of available
site names.
Companies like Disney or Sony will not allow anyone to register
or rightly so), so we can expect every registered trademark in the world
to already be reserved at .COM, and that they will register every .extension that
comes along or sue anyone who tries to use their name (or even a similar name).
extensions will just confuse the public and make this all more complicated, without
adding any usefullness.
Having said this I am in favor of the extension
.XXX, but only if ALL xxx rated sites are somehow required to move there. This
is not censorship. You don't expect to see xxx magazines in the kids room of
the local bookstore, or xxx movies in the family area at the local video store.
But these items do exist and they are easily found in their own section, by those
who want to find this material. a .XXX section of the internet would accomplish
the same thing and prevent things like