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Username: Gregory W. Krajewski
Date/Time: Thu, March 22, 2001 at 4:30 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows 98
Subject: TO:  The board members and its chairman, Dr Vint Cerf.....Take a serious look at Image Online Design


Dear Distinguished Members of the board,

As I write this note to you, I am reminded by my wife, Lesa, who is an English teacher that I need to get to the point when addressing a concern.  And so I will (or I should say, I will try...)

The reconsideration committee has spoken.  They have recommended you take no action with respect to Image Online Design's reconsideration request which if it were based on the merits should have been at least put into a "take a look at it" basket, and here is why:

1.  Image Online Design has PROVEN they can run a registry.  No Theory here...pure testing has been done, finanical backing is ready and willing, and more importantly support (acutal support) for this company is growing daily!

2.  To the many supporters (75 countries strong) of this beloved company...and there are many of us,  Image Online Design represents the past (circa 1995)"Dot web is live!"... the present..."We are still waiting, but we must be patient"....and the future..."You haven't seen nothing yet"....All the while this company has strived keep the internet from fracturing.  They above anyone else, have played by the rules (to the Nth degree)

3.  Lastly, I am not sure if you all can appreciate the spirit of entrepreneurism, but let me tell you something. If you don't feed something and give it water to grow...It will die.... IF the great visionaries of the past were held in check, by arbritrary rules and slow moving governmental bodies, I can guarantee I wouldn't be typing this letter to you via the internet....I would be still using pen and ink to send you a letter pony express.   This is no joke.  As it was the government who rewarded innovations, and blocked those from being involved in anti-competitives practices.

So much is at stake here...Yes, companies can wait for this so called "test phase"...but of course those are the ones who don't have to compete and have all the time in the world...Your actions must be measured, but no so much as to choke off any advancement!!

That is all...




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