Dear Distinguished Members of
the board,The reconsideration committee has spoken. They have recommended
you take no action with respect to Image Online Design's reconsideration request,
which I fully agree with, and here is why:
1. First of all, Image Online
Design has NO PROVEN TRACK RECORD that they can run a registry. Only limited
testing in private environment has been done, finanical backing is unsufficient,
and more importantly there is NO support for this company from the internet community
at all.
2. Finally, I am not sure if you all can appreciate the spirit of
competition. If you, the ICANN Board members appreciated it, then you would
never have "reserved" .WEB, but instead given it to Afilias, L.L.C during this proof
of concept phase. This would have increased competition with VeriSign/NSI's dominant
.com, as is in a much better position that .com for it represents ANY world wide
web content.
So much is at stake here...Your actions must be measured, but no so
much as to choke off any advancement!!
That is all and I sincerely hope my feedback
will be heard.