The only truth in your post was the fact that .web would strongly compete with the
dominant .com. I am pleased that you seem to understand that .web clearly is
more applicable to WEB content than .com.However, beyond that point, you presented
information that is best described as something I would scrape off the bottom of
my shoes after a pleasant walk through a pig pen. Even the ICANN board members
you say hope read your thesis would be hard-pressed to agree with you. After
all, the truth is the truth, even if you don't want to believe it.
So, I issue
you a challenge. Please present information to show us all that:
1) "IOD
has no proven track record for running a registry." For your assistance, I
will direct you to, which will take you to a nice, running registry
containing over 20,000 REGISTERED .web domains. Where I come from, a registry
is a place where one registers domain names.
2) "IOD's financial backing is unsufficient."
Whatever 'unsufficient' means...I assume you meant 'insufficient'. Show us
the proof you have.
3) "IOD has no support from the Internet community."
I will point out that no other TLD applicant had more support from the Internet community,
so I question why you think this is even an issue. Show us the numbers that
substantiate your claim that IOD has no support from the Internet community.
In your reply, please list how these numbers compare with other applicants, such
as Afilias.
We all look forward to viewing the information you will present.
I am certain you have reams of data that have somehow been unavailable to every other
person who posts here. In my opinion, we should be thanking you, because you
accurately represent the majority of the anti-IOD group that has posted here in the
past...a group of people who spew statements as fact, yet never seem to be able to
back them up. Please do occasionally post, lest the rest of us forget the caliber
of people we are up against.
S. Hudgens