Extract of news article:A U.S. senator has asked the U.S. Department of Commerce
to stop giving more authority to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
Numbers, the nonprofit overseer of Web addresses.
Sen. Conrad Burns, R-Mont.,
who chairs the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Communications, wrote, "I urge you
to refrain from taking any major steps to further empower or delegate authority to
ICANN. The supervision of the domain name system by the Department of Commerce has
brought stability to the biggest marketplace in the world, the Internet. That stability
could be threatened by a policymaking process moving forward under a legal cloud."
In the March 21 letter to Commerce Secretary Don Evans, Burns also asked the Commerce
Department to take a fresh look at how the Internet works and should be governed.
He urged the Commerce Department to "refrain from taking any hasty actions until
such a review has taken place."
Burns has also written to the General Accounting
Office about its July report on the legality of ICANN, a report that critics characterized
as a whitewash. Burns requested that the GAO supplement the report by assessing whether
ICANN's actions have been legal under the nondelegation doctrine of the U.S. Constitution,
the Administrative Procedures Act (APA), and other federal statutes.