I noticed that your response is targeted to the trademark issue and probably because
it is the only argument you can use.It is true that the USPTO does not tm TLDs,
but not true that they cannot trademark a generic name. It happens every day.
addition, if that were the only problem in ICANN's acceptance of duplicate TLD applications,
your argument might even be something to consider. However, it is apparent
that your company as well as others who applied for these duplicates chose to adopt
ICANN's position that none of the pre-existing TLDs matter. I suspect you will
find this is not the case.
The one major factor you have not bothered to consider
is that there is only one DNS - one singular name space - with multiple root server
systems. That means that duplication in any one of the roots creates chaos
and confusion for Internet users.
While the major root operators are striving toward
resolution of conflicts, ICANN and you are adding to them deliberately out of the
arrogant assumption that ICANN is the "authority" for the world's Internet and the
"only real root." This attitude is as bad as one religion demanding that everyone
worship with them as they are "the only true religion" and that everyone must comply.
At least in the US, forcing one to worship in any particular manner is illegal.
The fact is that there are many roots and that these roots will not just go away.
Further, they are likely to proliferate. ICANN has now created an atmosphere
whereby this proliferation will not be a cooperative one, but will most likely be
more duplication, thus more fragmentation.
We will, in the Inclusive Name
Space, continue to strive toward a collision-free name space and would like to think
that you and the other "new" TLD registries would work toward that goal as well.
You could alter your proposed TLD string to avoid collision and litigation, you know.
So could Neulevel. I am not optimistic that you would consider such a logical
move, but it would certainly be desirable for the stability of the Internet.
It could also mean your moving forward more rapidly.
I would very much like to
see your response.
Leah Gallegos
AtlanticRoot Network, Inc.