By whom?
Once again, you are assuming that anything non-icann is unauthorized. ICANN
authorizes nothing. It contracts. We did not ask for a contract with
ICANN. We already have a business that is operating just fine. ICANN
has no authority to force any business into a contract. That would be unlawful.
They also have no authority to force anyone else's network to operate in any particular
manner. They do not have the authority to dictate what traffic is allowed to
pass through anyone else's network any more than any other network manager can force
them to pass traffic through theirs. We cannot force ICANN to place our
TLD in the DoC root. They can't force the Pacificroot to place DoC TLDs into
their root. Either one can include the other's TLDs without benefit of contract.
The PacificRoot does this with all known non-colliding TLDs. ICANN does not.
advocate unlawful activity by forcing private businesses to form contractual partnerships
against their will. You advocate forcing for-profit businesses to become non-profit
organizations. That is unlawful. It would, in fact, restrain trade and
competition in a free market. You assume that the US government owns the Internet.
It does not. The Internet is a network of privately owned networks. The
USG owns a small portion of those networks. Private networks have been operating
using the DNS for many years and many have not been within what is now the USG root
(NOMAD Internetwork, 1985).
ICANN may have some influence over what ends up in
the USG root, but it does not own the Internet. The USG root is not the only
root and the DoC TLDs are not the only TLDs. However, all TLDs operate within
the DNS. That's what TLDs are - part of the DNS.
To repeat, ICANN/DoC may
well decide to duplicate one or more existing TLDs. If they do, they will cause
a major problem in the DNS. It is not the existing TLDs that will cause the
problem. A rock sitting several feet from the edge of a cliff will not hurt
anyone, but someone dropping another rock on top of it or pushing it a few feet and
over the edge could hurt someone. It is ICANN/DoC moving that rock on the cliff.
Try to keep that in mind.