You miss the point. You say, "I agree, ICANN is far from perfect but until somebody
comes up with a better way to govern the internet, it will be the only game in town." Were
they to obey the rules and not ignore the law - this WOULD BE the best way to govern
the Internet. 1. They do not work for the benefit of the Internet community as
a whole - they put big business first. 2. They do not conform with relevant principles
of international law - they ACTUALLY PROMOTE trademark abuse of power with UDRP.
They could easily end this and consumer confussion. 3. They do not have open and
transparent processes - it is reasonable to assume they have hidden agenda. ***This
is why I truly believe they are corrupt*** My logic is sound. The authorities could
easily add another TLD (like .reg) to identify trademarks, like the trademark symbol
does. Format - - simple. From Articles of Incorporation: 4.
The Corporation shall operate ***for the benefit of the Internet community as a whole***,
carrying out its activities in ***conformity with relevant principles of international
law*** and applicable international conventions and local law and, to the extent
appropriate and consistent with these Articles and its Bylaws, through ***open and
transparent processes*** that enable competition and open entry in Internet-related
markets. To this effect, the Corporation shall cooperate as appropriate with relevant
international organizations.