Yes, that is what ICANN's position is. However, there
are the two items that make the logic flawed.1. The DNS is the system we
all use. In the DNS there can be no duplication at any level. TLDs must
be unique. A duplication in any root will have the same effect - users will
not know what they will get when they point to a domain, either in email or a website,
plus other considerations such as hostnames...
2. If a TLD is the sole product
of a business and the government can just "take" it for its own use or to "award"
to a competitor, it has abused its power. If the government wanted to start
a restaurant chain and then give it to "BIGCORP" could it simply use the name "BurgerKing"
and introduce a duplicate "Whopper?" If the government can do that, can John
Q. Citizen then set up a duplicate .com in "someroot" on SeaIsland? Is that
the precedent you want to see?
In either case, there is a problem with duplication.
think the term "competing" roots is a misnomer. The idea behind multiple roots
is not competition. It is the provision of a public service. TLDs compete,
but that is a free market. Some will be popular, others will not. However,
there still cannot be two identical TLDs. eBIZ or iBIZ could compete with .BIZ,
for instance. But .BIZ is .BIZ and there cannot be two registries for the same
TLD without chaos.