I see were you are coming from - my views differ slightly.If I owned domino.biz
and you were the surfer.
Who am I was decieving you to be - domino pizzas perhaps?
it is - the odds are thousands to one, that you arrived at the correct site.
believe me? - Which company would I be misrepresenting then?
See my wipo.org.uk
site for list of 105 US 'domino' trademarks or for shorter version:
list is ignoring untold numbers in 200 plus other countries.
"Consumer confusion"
and "trademark infringement" are all bull* excuses for big business to abuse their
trademark to get dominant position and to steal the domain name off legal owner.
run the DNS like this on purpose - they all want you to believe the lie, that the
problem cannot be sorted.
Answer is obvious - name.class.country.reg - domino pizza
is domino.food.us.reg.
Just because domain contains term like "JapanTobacco" e.g.
japantobacco.whatever (who took jt.com from owner) does not make it sacrosanct -
unless you are against free speech.
For trademark purposes, they could have japan.tobacco.jp.reg
- simple.
For advertising purposes, they could use TLD reserved for these type
of business e.g. japantobacco.smokingkills (just my suggestion).
They may prefer
japan.tobacco ;-)
They ALL will use Spin, Lies and Propaganda - about classes etc.
(tobacco class 34).
It is all very simple - do not believe them.