I urge the ORSC, new.net and other concerned parties and programers to work together.
First, to prevent the duplication of TLDs in the namespace and second, to produce
a new universal plugin that will enable users to have the choice they want, more
TLDs now. The Alt Roots, as some have termed them, should now sell themselves as
the providers of an an alternative, fair and all inclusive namespace. The plugin
should point to new all inclusive nameservers. The plugin must be distributed free
via all available media, ie, free CDs found on computer magazines, free downloads
from websites (I would be happy to put a link on my websites) and any other means
available. It is now clear that unless action is taken to form an alliance, the FREE
roots will be picked off one by one. That will be harder to do when a universal
plugin allows the vast majority of net users to stake their claim in the new frontier.
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