Most generic words are in fact trademarked somewhere in the world! After doing some
research, I would say that roughly half of all the most common 5,000 generic words
are registered (not pending) trademarks in the U.S.. At least this percentage is
trademarked in Western European countries and many are different from the American
ones. The rest of the 200 plus countries also have many trademarked generic names
and are given the same registration priority (and rightly so) during sunrise as the
U.S. ones. I would say that less than 20% of the 5000 most common words in the dictionary
are not trademarked somewhere in the world. These words are trademarked for use
in a particular class of commerce and are not of a general nature like that of coca-cola
or microsoft. The fault lies not with Afilias because they were pressured into
having this sunrise in order to be awarded the .info gtld but with ICANN and the
Intellectual Property Constituency.