Senior Energy and Commerce Committee Members Want More Domain Name DiversityQuote:
(August 7) -- House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Billy Tauzin (R-LA), Ranking
Member John Dingell (D-MI), Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet Chairman
Fred Upton (R-MI) and Subcommittee Ranking Member Edward Markey (D-MA) today released
a letter to Department of Commerce Secretary Don Evans calling for the Internet Corporation
for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which the Commerce Department oversees, to
expeditiously initiate a new Internet Top Level Domain Names (TLDs) round.
the demand for new domain names by businesses and consumers outpacing supply, we
support your efforts in encouraging ICANN to speed their TLD selection process."
More sunrise periods - ICANN and the authorities are one big joke.
If they
TRULY wanted to stop 'consumer confusion' and 'trademark conflict' and 'passing off'
- they would introduce
They all LIE!