Who here would be willing to commit 33% of the value
of their .info domains (should they be obtained in landrush) to an attorney in Philadelphia
in return for that attorney pursuing a temporary restraining order (TRO) on a contingency
fee basis (assuming we can locate an attorney who would be receptive to this form
of payment)? The purpose of the TRO would be to impose upon Afilias a system
that effected the Domebase proposal, i.e., that would ensure that the rights of prevailing
landrush preregistrants were somehow preserved. Incidentally, the problem that
I see with a class action (unless it includes a successful TRO) is that the damages
would likely be some small percentage of the pregregistration fees. This is
nothing compared to the opportunity that was lost, i.e., registration thru landrush
of some very valuable .info domains.
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