Well, like the rest I'm happy, at least
something is being done.
It would be great if a detailed check could be made.
Maybe the applicant could supply an original trademark extract and a signed letter
(digitally or otherwise) confirming the right to use this trademark. Something which
Afilias could use to properly register the name.Srana, bezzant and the majority
of people at this forum are worried about landrush with no land. Perhaps a mass email
(to sunrise applicants) at this point and before 'Landrush' maybe useful. This could
note possible recourse (fines or otherwise) for false applications. Whether these
fines are actually applied would be questionable, however it may help free some of
the many thousands of false applications, making them available for 'Landrush'. This
may also help to appease the many thousands of dismayed 'Landrush' applicants, who
at this time, like myself, are a tad heated.
A quesion I have is whether a medium
sized pool of some of the most valuable domains available will be released in a more
"fair" process like the current 'Landrush', or they will be released as expired domains,
allowing various unnamed parties to take all available bandwith, thereby preventing
the majority of the Internet community of having a chance at registering these names.
I believe diversity to be a key issue, please lets not find the 10-15 most valuable
names with the same administrative details.