A name I pre registered on just about every site just got registered in the sunrise.
I paid about 140.00 in pre registrations and this guy paid I would guess $100.00
for the sunrise registration for the name, at some point Afilias is going to take
it away and sell it again to make more money off it and that's not even counting
the money made off the name if someone decides to fight the "none" trademark. That
sure is allot of money made off just one name.Keep up the great work ICANN, you
sure are a class act!
Note the trademark name, date and #.
Created On:
2001-AUG-15 00:52:15.0 UTC
Expiration Date: 2006-AUG-15 00:52:15.0
Trademark Name: Unknown
Trademark Date: 2040-01-02
Trademark Country: GB
Trademark Number: 0
Registrar: 5007-TU
Status: NEW
Status: LOCKED
Status: OK
Registrant ID: C160049-LRMS
Name: Dave Mercer
Registrant Organization: Children of Artemis
Registrant Street1: BM Artemis
Thanks dave! idiot!!
I'll be working about another 12 hours tomorrow. Should I just send my check to you?
I would like to buy more air.