410 - WELL DONE - could not have put it better myself.This is one of reasons why
I also believe them corrupt.
Sunrise period:
Somebody please correct me
if I am wrong. I find it hard to believe they hoped to get away with it.
As I understand
They have illegal unregistered lottery for sunrise period.
At the same time,
they have illegal unregistered lottery for a later land-rush period.
BUT this time,
there may be NO PRIZE to give out.
I would have thought this against the law -
Everything they have done seems to be done in greed for the most profit.
simple verification has been ignored.
Am I wrong?
The Authorities:
they do not verify validity of trademark, then sunrise is all a load of bull* - just
spin, lies and propaganda.
Am I wrong?
Go on - some clever attorney or official
prove me wrong. I dare you.
The authorities know the answer to trademark problems.
- WIPO - US DoC - Do not say nobody did not tell you.
If you TRULY wanted to avoid
'consumer confusion', 'trademark conflict' problems and to stop anybody 'passing
off' then you would use name.class.coutry.reg
You would then have no excuse to
stop anybody else using these words.
I believe you are ALL corrupt.