I really feel we're getting a convergence of opinion here.If you've read these
threads you'll understand the oh-so-simple plan:
ALL names are offered at Landrush.
If already trademarked at Sunrise, then winning Landrush applicant becomes reserve
(has the right to challenge or leave Afilias to challenge). If challenge is successful,
automatic transfer of name to the Landrush winner.
Trademark holders
happy. They keep their names.
Landrush applicants get the randomised system they
were promised.
Fraudsters dumped and lose their money.
Afilias have carried
out Sunrise and Landrush exactly like they said they would.
WITH e-MAILS AND PHONECALLS in support of this suggestion. It's in their own interests.
This solution is their best PR solution, because they end up doing what they offered.
hcarle@afilias.info or phone (001) 215.504.4610
Heather Carle is
a very nice lady - she's given me about 90 minutes phone time over 2 days so she
understands this proposal. She's a point of contact who will pass on messages.
or same number as Heather.
Hal Lubsen (or Rolan LaPlante) are actually the decision-makers
you need to persuade. Unfortunately Hal is away until the middle of next week.
has copies of this proposal both from myself and from Vint Cerf (who has asked him
to give a response to it). ICAAN have a total interest in getting this solution adopted
because it will stop some of the flack coming their way at a time when they certainly
don't need it.
So please - if you want to influence the people at Afilias (ever-the-optimist!)
then we should flood them with requests for this totally straightforward solution.
(except the fraudsters) stands to win.