Thanks for putting this online. I hope your serious about collecting and publishing
the goods. If I may, here are a couple of suggestions.1) immediately database
this thing (it's a bit of effort up front, but will save you tons of effort following)
make a front-end form for quick submission (that instantly updates the page). The
domain name should be PROMINENT.
3) sell a couple of banner ads
Some announcements
and some press and you could get KILLER traffic on this site (assuming no one comes
along and does it better). That traffic is worth $ and you should benefit $. But
in its present form (List of Names) it's pretty unwieldy (though better than the
nothing that seems to exist otherwise).
Can anyone else think of how he can make
a little $ ? Without $ incentive, I don't know how you can sustain your own motivation,
particularly with the manual system now in place.
OK, just a quick feedback for
you - no offense intended.